ASAI introduces a muli-orbit multi-service RF Lens based antenna technology. Our patent protected approach uses a signal aware switchable conformal array of patch antennas with an industry-unique 3D printed RF Lens. Our approach allows the full sky visibility leading to a highly efficiency, high performance multi-service SATCOM Terminal.

Aerospace and Defense Engineering
The Highly Efficient Multi-Orbit Multi-Service Satcom Terminal

Space Domain
Marine Stabilized
Multi Service, LEO/MEO/GEO fixed or mobility stabilized terminals using advanced Luneburg Lens RF Antenna Technology.
Lower Cost
Cost effective, hybrid design, requires no high-end phase shifters or processing components.
Robust and resilient design. All of the capability of ESAs without the complexity and expense.
Cost effective, hybrid design, requires no high-end phase shifters or processing components. Software defined signal processing architecture leads to rapid scalability and customization.
Conformal service-selectable patch array enables simultaneous connectivity to a large number of satellites. Luneburg lens has less loss focusing incoming RF waves from multiple sources onto a switchable subarray of antennas.
Easily Deployable
Lightweight, compact and scalable.
Lightweight, fast and easy installation and commissioning.
Extreme Range
Novel signal enhancement algorithm adds up to 6 dB of processing gain, extending range and performance across all applications.
Novel signal processing and control software provides awareness of interference and maintains performance in contested environments.
Lighting Fast
Inherent “make before break” capability for continuous communications and higher resiliency.
Wide Angles
Superior constant performance across all elevation angles.

ASAI has a rich history providing solutions to complex problems in the Aerospace and Defense since 2001.
Empowering a Wide Range of Market Capabilities
Government / Defense
Rugged without exquisite and complex phased array electronics. Lightweight and easy to deploy makes this multi-beam system ideal for defense applications. Multi-service multi-orbit simultaneous communications with the efficiency and coverage of traditional antennas results in a workhorse for a wide variety of US Government applications.
Space Domain Awareness
Arrays of antennas combined with novel digital signal enhancement software makes persistent passive awareness of resident space objects possible.
Available marine stabilized variant through Cassiopeia Space Systems Joint Venture.
Supports scalability required for emerging commercial high throughput satellite communications networks.